Are you getting started with virtual exchange at your institution? Want to include France? Apply for the French Embassy’s “Transitioning to Virtual Exchange” grant! We’re happy to help you along the way.
The Face Foundation and the French Embassy in the US will provide up to $7500 to institutions and programs ready to transition to virtual exchange and deepen their international programs.
Gazelle International has worked successfully with the French Embassy in helping Connecticut’s community college system build its Virtual Exchange/CLICK+mobility program. Tap our experience! We can help you with the grant process, and we welcome the opportunity to serve as a trainer or consultant once you secure the grant funding. We can get you started with our two main workshops.
The Explorers Workshop covers the basics of virtual exchange, including goals, collaborative teaching, and an introduction to technology for team and project-based learning. Use it to recruit and motivate teachers! It is also useful for understanding the demands and potential that virtual exchange brings.
The Design Workshop takes teaching partners through the process of creating their joint virtual exchange project. We help them create shared goals, design a final or “capstone” project, plan the student teams’ learning experience, work through logistics, and decide on technology and finalize timelines. Use it to minimize beginner mistakes and create successful projects for your students and curriculum and your partners, too.
We have mastered the art of matching teaching partners between institutions in the United States and France and can help you learn the ropes. Finally, we can help you set realistic goals and measure what matters for your program and leadership… And the next grant!
CALL FOR PROPOSALS from the French Embassy in the US.
International education and study abroad have been severely impacted by the current pandemic. In response, the Face Foundation and the French Embassy will be supporting institutions which are creatively maintaining French-American collaboration by integrating virtual exchange or other types of global learning in their curricula. Projects need to be implemented collaboratively by at least one US and one French institution of higher learning or international education provider and demonstrate why they have the potential to boost study abroad after the pandemic.
We especially encourage projects that will be part of a credit-bearing course. We will consider virtual exchange projects (including COIL) as well as any co-designed or co-taught content giving students an international perspective on their field. Initiatives strengthening existing partnerships or developing new ones, such as co-hosted faculty networking and match-making leading to virtual exchange is another high-impact practice we can support. You want to do a triangulation project with a third, ideally francophone, country? Wonderful! This call is designed to help realize your ideas in this unusual times.
The grant funds may be used for project-related expenses, which include salary in support of time needed for developing the course. Grants will be in the amount of up to $7500 per project.
Eligible projects must:
– Be carried out collaboratively.
– Be submitted by a designated coordinator (either the French or American partner).
– Integrate global learning in the curriculum across all disciplines.
– Be part of credit-bearing courses.
– Have a potential impact on future in-person study abroad.
Applications open: July 1st
Selection: Projects will be reviewed on a rolling basis
Final deadline: October 30, 2020.
Results will be sent by email about 4 weeks after submission.
Projects should be carried out before September 2021
For fuller information on Gazelle International's role and offerings in virtual exchange, please contact us today!
July 6, 2020