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Gazelle International’s mission as a non-profit is to support the international education community. One of the ways we fulfill this is to provide briefing papers and “think pieces.” In addition, our Annual Report is always available for your review.

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Virtual exchange is at the heart of Gazelle International's mission. We connect college and high school classrooms in the US and abroad while consulting with campus administrators and deans to build lasting partnerships, train faculty, and explore options to fund and advance further internationalization programming. Our goal is to create a seamless onramp to sustainable and scalable strategy with strong foundations in pedagogy. Here we share results from our CLICK program for virtual exchange: Collaborative Learning for International Capabilities and Knowledge.


Virtual Exchange Program Building - An Assessment-based Approach

Our Journal of Virtual Exchange article argues VE can be the base of a scalable and sustainable internationalization strategy drawing on Gazelle International’s iterative use of pre-post student assessment results with a US Community College system over three years. Read the full article.

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Virtual Exchange: CLICK Project Samples

We are proud to share the CLICK samples of teaching collaborations across countries. Read full document.

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Workforce Briefing

Global workforce benefits are a key motivator for participating in virtual exchange. In today's world, it is critical to be able to work with companies and individuals around the world. Virtual exchange prepares students for that experience through development of cross-cultural competence, technology skills, and more. Read Virtual Exchange: Keys to Global Workforce Success.

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Virtual Exchange: Value as Curricular Strategy

Colleges need to prepare students for futures in an interconnected world and to thrive amid the challenges of globalization. Do they create deep ties to the curriculum? Do they offer strategic opportunities to connect international resources on campus? Most importantly, do they reach most students? In the US, only 1% of all students are able to participate. Read full document.

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High-Value Outcomes in International Higher Education

Yale’s MacMillan Center implemented a comprehensive assessment of international education resources and outcomes for Yale graduate, professional, and undergraduate students 2001-2015. Designed with the Office of Institutional Research, five area councils executed a common plan (Africa, East Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East) with federal Title VI funds. Read More.

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Virtual Exchange Early Results – CLICK

We are proud to share the results of our initial year working with the Connecticut community college system (CCC) to launch its first-ever comprehensive International Education Initiative. Read full document.

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