Review what Success looks like with CLICK Project Samples. They demonstrate how our CLICK system fits seamlessly into your existing curriculum with high impact teaching practices. Any teacher can create a successful CLICK project with the right training and support! Whether same-discipline or crossing disciplines, our highly efficient training empowers teachers to master the crucial collaborative adaptations to succeed with virtual exchange first time.
CLICK Project Samples

“Impact of National Cultures in Web Design” Spring 2022
University Partners
IUT de Sceaux, Université de Paris Saclay, France
Northwestern CT CC, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Business/Marketing, Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR; Students - 5 US, 10 FR
Project Summary
In international teams, students in two business classes analyzed various websites for consumer products. Together, they identified best practices, made comparisons between websites, and offered recommendations for improvement and presented their findings in a final presentation.
Three-time repeating project!

“Red, White, and Blue Enigmas” Spring 2022
University Partners
IUT de Cachan, Université de Paris Saclay, France;
Northern Essex Community College, Massachusetts, USA
Discipline (Course)
English + Mathematics + Electronics
Team Details
Teachers - 2 FR, 1 US; Students - 19 FR, 11 US
Project Summary
Through a series of math-related enigmas, or riddles, international student teams were tasked with collaborative problem solving based on each others’ expertise in mathematics, electrical engineering, English, history, and culture.
Thanks to the project, students were able to improve their communication and problem-solving skills but they also learned more about an important figure of both American and French history!

“CLICK Museum of the Future” Spring 2022
University Partners
Hillsborough Community College, Tampa, Florida, USA;
IUT de Cachan, Université de Paris Saclay, France
Discipline (Course)
History; Culture/Communication/French Literature; Electronics/Physics
Team Details
Teachers: 1 US, 2 FR
Students - 16 US, 21 FR
Project Summary
In international teams, learned how to navigate virtual applications, eventually designing and curating virtual museums displaying their visions of the future. Addressing themes like climate change, the pros and cons of technological advancements, and renewable energy solutions, students presented their findings using interactive virtual galleries.
Students produced amazing virtual museum projects addressing the world’s most pressing issues and innovations (Featured in a Gazelle blog post!)

“Impact of Nurses in Health Care Settings” Spring 2022
University Partners
University of North Alabama, USA; Université de Lorraine IUT Nancy-Brabois
Discipline (Course)
Nursing & Quality
Team Details
Teachers: 1 US & 1 FR;
Students: 8 US & 17 FR
Project Summary
Students presented the health care systems of their home countries and discussed how to define “quality.” They then discussed the role of nurses within the health care systems and worked together to develop a survey that identified the issues faced by nurses that affect quality of care. These surveys were then distributed to nurses in different environments. Finally, students presented the results with an emphasis on realistic recommendations for improving quality.

“Yay or Nay Podcast” Spring 2022
University Partners
Tarrant City Community College, Alabama, USA; IUT Metz (Université de Lorraine)
Discipline (Course)
Government & English and International Relations
Team Details
Teachers: 1 US & 1 FR;
Students: 24 US & 12 FR
Project Summary
Students produced outlines comparing the voting systems in France and Texas and their impacts. They then turned that information and their discussion into a podcast to record and share.

“United in Diversity” Fall 2021
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA;
ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands
Discipline (Course)
Global Business/Business + Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 ND, 1 U;S
Students (First Run) - 10 ND, 12 US (Second Run) - 17 ND, 13 US
Project Summary
To prepare for an international team project in cross-cultural advertising methods, aesthetics, and regulations, students researched billboard, social media and television advertisements in the US and the Netherlands. In teams, students created Pecha Kucha presentations based on their findings comparing cross-cultural similarities and differences and demonstrating the most effective advertising methods they found.

“Let's Talk! When Psychology Goes Wrong” Fall 2021
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA;
Universidad de Monterrey Prepa, Monterrey, Nuevo León, México
Discipline (Course)
Psychology, Ethics
Team Details
Teachers - 1 MX, 1 US; Students - 12 MX, 12 US
Project Summary
Student teams were each assigned an infamous psychology case to research. Each team produced a collaborative podcast project investigating the ethical parameters and outcomes of different psychology experiments.

“(Re)Programming Cultural Awareness”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Prepa UDEM (University of Monterrey)
Discipline (Course)
IT/Web Development, Intercultural Competence
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 MX
Students - 11 US, 15 MX
Project Summary
Students will work together in teams in order to develop, design and program a personalized website that can be used as an informative tool/travel guide of a specific country (previously assigned). This website should be developed so it can be helpful for Prepa UDEM students (targeted users) who are planning to embark on a study abroad exchange to that destination. The ultimate goal of the website is to provide the student with information that will help them to prepare themselves beforehand to have a successful immersion into the culture resulting in the prevention of cultural shock, cross cultural communication barriers and misconceptions.

“Reading Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Tunxis Community College, Connecticut, USA;, IUT Cachan (Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
British Literature II, English
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 16 US, 25 FR
Project Summary
Two English courses worked together virtually in international teams on analyzing a novel. They read, discussed, and completed a group capstone project on the novel "Neverwhere" by Neil Gaiman. The teamwork not only enhanced their understanding of the novel but also helped them develop critical thinking and intercultural interactions. Due to disruptions from Covid, the instructors simplified the plans, and moved to whole class discussions on the novel. Students completed posts and responded to classmates on 3 posts.

“Yes! Oui! Done Deal. Affaire Conclue”, Fall 2020 (COVID)
University Partners
Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA; IUT Cachan (Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
Business and Entrepreneurship, English for Engineering, Management and Communication
Team Details
Teachers - 2 US, 2 FR;
Students - 6 US, 6 FR
Project Summary
International student teams navigated time zones and technologies to create a collaborative business project and designed a global product or service launch. For the capstone project, students pitched their launch ideas to the other teams.

“International Banking”, Spring 2020 (COVID)
University Partners
Housatonic Community College, Connecticut, USA;
University of Paris Saclay, IUT Sceaux, France
Discipline (Course)
Business/Marketing, English for Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 14 US, 19 FR
Project Summary
Students worked in international teams to perform a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis on an international bank. They completed a preliminary grid with the information they obtained. Then, they surveyed other students to find out what potential consumers are looking for in a bank. Finally they gave a presentation as the main component of the capstone project. The presentation included their findings from the surveys they conducted as well as recommendations to improve the bank.

"Working like an International Engineer: Connecticut and France”, Fall 2019
University Partners
University of Lorraine, IUT Nancy-Brabois, France;
Norwalk Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Mechanical Engineering (all sides)
CT- Introduction to Engineering
FR - Third semester course
Team Details
Teachers - 2 French, 1 US;
Students - 6 French, 17 US
Project Summary
Students identified a current problem that engineering could solve, eg. how to keep your coffee hot or stop your phone charging cable from breaking. Teams worked on designing and testing a solution to their chosen problem using engineering principles and methods.
• Three all-teams, whole class synchronous meetings to review, critique project progress and final designs
• French students acted as design consultants, supporting the CT students’ design and fabrication efforts
• Design and build solutions to day to day problems

“Entering the US: Testing the Market for French Business”, Spring 2019
University Partners
University of Normandie, IUT Caen, France;
Middlesex Community College, Connecticut, USA;
Asnuntuck Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Entrepreneurship; Business Marketing, Global Business
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 2 US; Students - 8 FR, 12 US
Project Summary
Connecticut “consultants” helped French entrepreneurs test the feasibility of market entry into the US for three different businesses.
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary

“ElectroPhysio” Spring 2022
University Partners
IUT de Cachan, Université de Paris Saclay, France;
Northern Essex Community College, Massachusetts, USA
Discipline (Course)
Natural Sciences + English/Communications
Team Details
Teachers - US 1, FR 2; Students - US 9, FR 5
Project Summary
This project has at its core, the practice of intercultural communication and technology skills via the development of a video project. The final project goal is to showcase the function of electrophysiological sensors used in our modern health and wellness care systems in countries around the world. In international teams, students researched these sensors and created video presentations based on their findings.
• US students learned value of multilingualism and were motivated to communicate in other language
• Project engaged students who do not typically get to participate in exchange programmes

“A Mystery of Shopping” Spring 2022
University Partners
IUT de Sceaux, Université de Paris Saclay, France;
Northern Essex Community College, Massachusetts, USA
Discipline (Course)
Marketing/Business + Marketing/Business
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 1 US; Students - 13 FR, 7 US
Project Summary
Students documented local shopping experiences and researched the purpose of measuring customer service experiences. After comparing cross-cultural customer service metrics and researching their team’s assigned brand, student teams developed a mystery shopping survey adapted to each set of cultural norms and consumer behavior.

“(Ex)changing Your Horizon” Spring 2022
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA
ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands
Discipline (Course)
Global cultures + Business
Team Details
Teachers - 2 ND, 1 US;
Students - 42 ND, 10 US
Project Summary
Each group received a (fictional) budget of € 2.000 each to organize a study trip to a country with its own currency, not being dollars or euros. They should incorporate travel, accommodation, living, and leisure expenses

“YOU are Biology” Spring 2022
University Partners
IUT Nancy-Brabois (Université de Lorraine); Jefferson State Community College, Birmingham, Alabama, USA
Discipline (Course)
English for Biology, Biology for Non-majors
Team Details
Teachers 1 FR, 1 US;
Students 78 FR, 70 US
Project Summary
Teams of students create digital infographics addressing biology basics

“YEAH Math! In English” Spring 2022
University Partners
Northern Essex Community College, Massachusetts, USA; IUT Longwy (Université de Lorraine)
Discipline (Course)
Math (Differential Equations) & English
Team Details
Teachers: 1 US & 1 FR;
Students: 6 US & 23 FR
Project Summary
Teams of students will complete projects on Mathematics and History, with the American students presenting mathematical concepts to a non-expert audience (jargon free concepts and ideas for problem-solving and interpretation) while the French students present the history associated with the concept.

“OuiCommunicate” Fall 2021
University Partners
Harper College, Palatine, Illinois, USA
IUT de Blois, Tours University, France
Discipline (Course)
French language/English language
Team Details
Project Summary
Students were paired up or put into groups of 3 after an initial personal video presentation (French or English) on Go React (even teachers). The students were encouraged to record their sessions on Go React for others to watch or for us to evaluate. Discussion subjects were varied and were not mandatory. Discussions were in French or in English, depending on the pair. For the French Club, subjects were pre-planned and often illustrated with slide presentations. Contrary to its name, the French Club was uniquely held in English.
Harper students invited the French students to join our weekly French Club and to participate in our virtual International Week panel discussions which included members who were not part of the CLICK project. Perhaps one of the top highlights was getting to spend several hours together in person visiting and planning our project for next semester over a long lunch at a French restaurant in Chicago face to face.

“Global Topics” Fall 2021
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA;
ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands
Discipline (Course)
Communications + English Comp/Business + Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 ND, 1 US; Students - 21 ND, 15 US
Project Summary
International student teams researched and presented on intercultural similarities and differences between their respectives cultures. Each team selected a specific cultural topic to investigate and presented their findings via Pecha Kucha presentations.

“United in Diversity”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, ROC Midden Nederland
Discipline (Course)
Global Business, Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 NL;
Students - 3 US, 16 NL
Project Summary
Students discussed billboard, social media and television advertising methods in the two countries. They prepared a Pecha Kucha presentation which included the five best advertisements and a discussion of why they were the best. Students submitted written reflections which included: a discussion of the objectives of advertising and benefits of each method; the rules, regulations and best practices for advertising in each country; similarities and differences between US and Dutch advertising cultures; and a summary of what each student learned through the team project.

“iGen Global Banking”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Housatonic Community College, Connecticut, USA; IUT Sceaux (Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
Marketing, English for Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 15 US, 21 FR
Project Summary
International teams of students in the US and France designed a financial institution that could best serve global, cross-cultural college students. After planning products, services, and pricing, they collaborated on a live video presentation using PowerPoint to share their plans with other student groups and instructors.

“E3: Engineering Expertise Exchange”, Fall 2020 (COVID)
University Partners
Middlesex Community College, Middletown, Connecticut, USA;, Polytech Paris Saclay
Discipline (Course)
Introduction to Engineering, English for Engineers (Masters)
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 20 US, 20 FR
Project Summary
The US and French students interviewed one another to decide on their teams, discussing different fields of engineering and what the French students did in their companies during their apprenticeship. In international teams, students created a script for a presentation based on an engineering or current topic that interested the team and ample research on that topic. For the capstone project, students recorded a video or talking PowerPoint to share their research with the other teams and reflected on how each team member helped one another in the collaboration.

“Impact of National Cultures in Web Design”, Spring 2020 (COVID)
University Partners
University of Paris-Saclay, IUT Sceaux, France;
Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Business/Marketing, Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 4 US, 6 FR
Project Summary
In international teams, students analyzed the websites for McDonalds, Starbucks and Disney World. They identified best practices, made comparisons between websites, and offered recommendations for improvement.

“Communications in Global Logistics”, Fall 2019
University Partners
University of Lyon, IUT Lumiere France;
Naugatuck Valley CC, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
English - Logistics & Transport,
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 1 US
Students - 16 French, 25 US
Project Summary
Present Zara’s supply chain as business model in a joint presentation or video

Global Understanding of Antibiotic Resistance in the Soil”, Spring 2019
University Partners
University of Lorraine, IUT Nancy-Brabois;
Northwestern CT Community College, USA, Connecticut
Discipline (Course)
Microbiology and Statistics; Languages - English and French
Team Details
Teachers - 2 FR, 2 US; Students - 27 US; 46 FR
Project Summary
Hypothesis setup, field sampling, statistical analysis of FR & CT soil for antibiotic resistance and reporting of results.
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary

“Reading Our Way To Sustainability” Spring 2022
University Partners
University of Paris Saclay, IUT de Sceaux, France;
Northern Essex Community College, Massachusetts, USA
Discipline (Course)
American Literature 202, M2 International Procurement
Team Details
Teachers: 1 US, 1 FR;
Students: 9 US, 21 FR
Project Summary
Students produced work on a subtheme to understand sustainability and produced a Pecha Kucha presentation. Inspired by the poetry of Native American John Ridge and American realism works by Rebecca Harding Davis, Elizabeth Stoddard, Samuel Clemmens, and Abraham Cahan, students discussed 21st century sustainable trading models of food, wealth, labor, natural resources, and manufactured goods. Students present in English but their work is accessible to multilingual audiences.
• Synchronous meet-ups were a success, students enjoyed getting to know each other in break out rooms with ice-breaker tasks.
• Students journaled their reflections periodically in a “carnet de bord”, or travel log, and wrote a letter to future students giving tips and advice.
• Group presentations followed by Q&A were carried out at the end of the project and were open to outside attendees.

“Peer-to-Peer International” Spring 2022
University Partners
Housatonic Community College, Bridgeport, Connecticut, USA; IUT Sceaux (Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
Marketing, English for Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR;
Students - 15 US, 17 FR
Project Summary
International teams of students in the US and France designed a financial institution that could best serve global, cross-cultural college students. After planning products, services, and pricing, they collaborated on a live video presentation using PowerPoint to share their plans with other student groups and instructors.
Three-time project repeat!

“International Oral Hygiene” Spring 2022
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA;
ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands
Discipline (Course)
Dental Assisting + Nursing
Team Details
Teachers - 1 ND, 1 US; Students - 17 ND, 11 US
Project Summary
In international student teams, groups investigated specific oral health issues and how they impact a person’s overall health. Using both English and Dutch, students crafted a powerpoint and presented their research to the class.

“Healthy Everywhere” Fall 2022
University Partners
University of North Alabama, USA; IUT Nancy Charlemagne (Université de Lorraine)
Discipline (Course)
Communication & English
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 1 US
Students - 23 FR, 11 US
Project Summary
Students produced a health advertisement based on audience analysis and persuasive theory. They presented the health care systems of their home countries to their partners, then created a list of instructions and considerations for advertising in each country. The information will be based on intercultural audience analysis and should incorporate persuasive theories. Using that information, they created and presented their advertisement.

“Yes! Oui! Affaire conclue / Done deal!” Fall 2021
University Partners
IUT Cachan, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, France;
Housatonic Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
English for Electrical Engineers/Business and Finance
Team Details
Teachers - 2 FR, 2 US; Students - 6 FR, 6 US
Project Summary
Students worked in international teams comprised of students in the United States and France. They navigated time zones and technology to create a collaborative and entrepreneurial business project. Each team designed a global product or service to launch and pitched to the class.
Successful repeating project three years running.

“E^3: Engineering, Expertise, Exchange” Fall 2021
University Partners
Polytech Paris-Saclay , University Paris -Saclay, France;
Middlesex Community College, Connecticut USA
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 1 US; Students - 8 FR, 11 US
Project Summary
Students worked together in small teams to research, script, and produce explainer videos detailing a particular engineering concept. Final projects spanned a variety of concepts including the ins and outs of jet engines, Maglev trains, machine learning, concrete, and household appliances.
• Cultural exchanges seem just as important as engineering topics in their discussions and students are still in touch after the project has finished.
• Working closely with a teaching partner, even virtually, builds a unique bond, mutual respect and encourages new horizons.

“Security and Awareness” Fall 2021
University Partners
Waukesha County Technical College, Pewaukee, Wisconsin, USA;
ROC Midden Nederland, Netherlands
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Teachers - 1 ND, 1 US; Students - 2 ND, 10 US
Project Summary
International student teams researched the differences between European and American legislation in technology privacy and security in social media. Then teams were given case studies posing security/privacy issues and were tasked with recommending and presenting cross-culturally informed solutions to these problems.

“Défi Gourmand / Gourmet Challenge”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Green River Community College, Auburn, Washington, USA; IUT de Cachan (University of Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
French, English for Engineers
Team Details
Teachers - 1 US, 1 FR
Students - 19 US, 9 FR
Project Summary
Students conceived, wrote, produced, directed, shot, and edited their own short digital video project. The film was completed with input from all of the members of the team. The final project was a joint French/American video about cooking and food, with the goal of exposing students to the history of food and the cultural perceptions of cooking and buying food. Student teams created their own video project and engaged their creativity within an international context. The project allowed great flexibility: the video could be a cooking show, a documentary, a narrative film, and in any style they liked.

“Impact of National Cultures in Web Design”, Spring 2021 (COVID)
University Partners
Northwestern Connecticut Community College, Connecticut, USA;, IUT Sceaux (Paris Saclay)
Discipline (Course)
Business/Marketing, Business/Marketing
Team Details
Teachers – 1 US, 1 FR
Students – 12 US, 10 FR
Project Summary
In international teams, students in two business classes analyzed the websites for Sony, Red Bull, Victoria’s Secret, Hilton, Lancôme and Louis Vuitton. Together, they identified best practices, made comparisons between websites, and offered recommendations for improvement and presented their findings in a final presentation.

“The French-American Film Connection”, Spring 2020 (COVID)
University Partners
Middlesex Community College, Connecticut, USA;
University of Paris Saclay, IUT Cachan, France
Discipline (Course)
Film Club, English for Mechanical Engineers
Team Details
Teachers - 2 US, 1 FR;
Students - 7 US, 5 FR
Project Summary
In international teams, students chose a topic and wrote, filmed and edited a short film accessible to English and French audiences (3-8 minutes).

“Communicating in Color: Artists and Engineers”, Fall 2019
University Partners
University of Paris-Saclay, IUT Cachan, France;
Tunxis Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Art, English for Electronics and Electrical Engineering
Team Details
Teachers - 1 FR, 1 US
Students - 25 FR, 20 US
Project Summary
Students worked in cross-national teams and created a color-related question that they wanted to explore, ideally with an international focus. Then they designed and carried-out an experiment to answer their question.
French teacher planned to visit US teacher in March 2020. US Teacher planned to visit French teacher in Summer 2020. *Both canceled to due COVID-19

“Data and Cross-Cultural Collaboration”, Fall 2019
University Partners
University of Lorraine, IUT Nancy-Brabois, France;
Northwestern CT Community College, Connecticut, USA
Discipline (Course)
Quality Control, BioTech Industry, Statistics
Team Details
Teachers - 2 FR, 1 US;
Students -12 French, 8 US
Project Summary
Teachers shared quality control data and students performed statistical analysis
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary
University Partners
Discipline (Course)
Team Details
Project Summary